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Effective Study Habits for School and University

by | Jun 5, 2022 | Students

If you want to perform at your best in school and university, it’s not enough just to study hard. You also need to cultivate good study habits that will help you get the most out of your time and effort. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective studying habits that students can adopt—and how they can use technology to make their lives easier along the way.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is important for learning, memory and attention. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can affect your ability to learn new things.

The amount of sleep a person needs varies from person to person. However, most people need between 7 and 9 hours per night – some may need even more!

If you’re having trouble sleeping or staying awake during the day because of lack of sleep:

Eat healthily and exercise

Good nutrition and exercise are important for students in school and university. A balanced diet includes:

  • Five servings of vegetables and fruits every day (at least one dark green leafy vegetable, such as kale or spinach)
  • Three servings of whole grains (such as whole wheat bread or brown rice)
  • Two to three servings of dairy products like yogurt or cheese

You should also eat small meals throughout the day instead of eating large meals at once because this will help keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks that can make you feel tired when studying or taking tests at school/university.

Make time for breaks

It’s important to give yourself time to breathe and clear your mind, so that you can come back refreshed and ready to tackle the next task. Breaks can also be used as an opportunity for self-reflection, allowing you to reflect on what you’ve learned so far and how it relates to other subjects of study or life experiences. For example, if you’re studying for a math test, take a break by reading an unrelated book or listening to music (be sure not too listen too loud as this could lead into distractions).

Organise your study schedule

The first step to successful studying is to create a study schedule and stick to it. You should decide how many hours per day you’re going to spend studying, and then divide that time into smaller chunks of time (e.g., 30 minutes) that are more manageable for yourself. Set aside time each day for breaks, such as eating lunch or taking a walk outside so that your mind can rest from all the new information being absorbed by it! Don’t cram for exams: instead, space out your studying over several weeks so that everything stays fresh in your mind when exam day comes around!

Take notes and read them later

Make sure that you are taking notes during lectures. This will help you to remember what was said and also allow you to go back and look at them later on. If there is something that needs clarifying, then write it down in your notebook so that when the class finishes and they ask questions, or if there is an exam coming up soon, then this information will be available for reference.

If possible try not to take too many notes during a lecture because if there are lots of things being discussed at once it can become very overwhelming as well as confusing trying too hard remember everything said by everyone around us in addition

to what might be going on inside our own heads! Instead try writing down key points only; these should include facts rather than opinions (i.e., “this book was written by Jane Austen”), statistics (“there were 10 million people living in Britain in 1800” rather than “I think…”) etcetera…

Use technology to your advantage

If you’re like most people, you probably use a lot of apps on a daily basis. And if you’re using them for school or work, there’s no reason why they can’t help make things easier for you as well. There are many different apps out there that can help with everything from organizing materials and tracking progress to staying motivated and focusing on tasks at hand–here are just a few examples:

  • Evernote – This app is great because it allows users to organize all their notes into different folders (or “notebooks”), which makes it easier for them when looking back at previous work or trying something new later on down the road;
  • Pocket – This app serves as an extension of your browser where articles can be saved so they don’t get lost in cyberspace forever;
  • Focus@Will – This program uses music scientifically designed by researchers at UCLA who conducted studies over several years on how certain types of music affect productivity levels within individuals working together under similar conditions;

Habits are an important part of studying effectively

Habits are good or bad, and they can be formed by repetition. If you have a good habit, then you should continue it because it makes life easier for you! If you have a bad habit, then try to change your routine so that this particular thing doesn’t happen anymore.

It’s also important not just to have habits but also make sure that these habits are aligned with what we want out of life–if there’s anything standing in the way of achieving our goals or dreams (like procrastination), then we need to work on eliminating those obstacles.

I hope you found these tips useful and that they will help you to study more effectively. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below!