If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be tempting to think that you’ll never get organised. Fortunately, there are lots of simple ways to manage your time and get organised that don’t involve expensive apps or complicated systems. Here are some tips to help you get started:
Make a to-do list and stick to it
A to-do list is an essential tool for any professional, and it can be used to help you manage your time. When you have a clear sense of what needs doing and when, you’ll be able to prioritise tasks effectively and avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary admin or meetings that don’t add value.
There are lots of ways to make a good to-do list: some people prefer pen and paper; others use apps like Todoist, Wunderlist or Trello (which also has other uses). Whatever method works best for you is fine – just ensure that whatever tool you choose allows for easy collaboration with others if necessary!
Plan for your energy levels and triggers
Your energy levels will vary throughout the day. If you know that you have a tendency to be more energetic in the morning and less so at night, then plan accordingly by tackling tasks during this time instead of later in the evening when they may prove more difficult to get done. Also consider what makes you feel tired–is it too much caffeine? Too little sleep? Or maybe just not enough movement!
If we know that there are certain factors that cause us fatigue (or even anxiety), then we can create strategies around these issues so they don’t derail our productivity too much during work hours or home life respectively
Stop if you’re feeling overwhelmed
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and can’t focus, it’s time for a break. Get outside for some fresh air and take a walk around the block or through your neighbourhood. If that doesn’t work, try doing something else that doesn’t require as much focus or concentration (i.e., watching TV). You may find that returning to the task later is easier than trying to push through when your brain is fried–and if not, at least now there’s no chance of making any mistakes!
Practising mindfulness exercises
Mindfulness is about bringing your attention to the present moment. It’s a way of training yourself to be more aware of what’s going on around you, rather than getting lost in thought or caught up in your emotions.
There are lots of different ways to practise mindfulness:
Sitting still and focusing on your breathing for 10 minutes each day can help you feel more relaxed and calm.
Taking time out from work every day, whether it’s for 5 minutes or an hour, will give you a chance to step back and reflect on what needs doing next before diving back into work mode again.
Ask for help when you need it
There are many ways to ask for help. You can ask your friends, family and colleagues if they have any spare time that they can lend you. You can also contact professionals who will be able to assist you in getting organised and managing your time more effectively. Some websites offer free services which include everything from time management advice to calendars, planners and other resources that can help you stay organised.
The last option is to talk with your employer about the problem or situation; if there’s a lack of communication between employees and managers then this may be an area where improvements could be made so everyone feels comfortable asking questions without fear of being judged negatively by their boss or colleagues
Create a calm, soothing environment to work in
Creating a calm, soothing environment is one of the most important things you can do to help yourself get organised. You should make sure that your workspace is well-lit and has plenty of natural light. It should also be quiet; if possible, find an area where you can close the door and shut out distractions like TV or music.
Get organised in a way that works for you!
There are many ways to manage your time and get organised. There is no one right way of doing it, but there are many wrong ways. You need to find a system that works for you and your lifestyle.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, it’s important to remember that there are many ways to manage your time and get things done. You can learn skills such as mindfulness and organisation that will help you feel calmer and more organised in the long run. But don’t just take our word for it–try them out yourself!